IASLC Hot Topics on Liquid Biopsy


The latest episode of Lung Cancer Considered focuses on the upcoming IASLC Liquid Biopsy Meeting that will discuss the current status of liquid biopsy in the field of thoracic. This episode features a conversation between Dr. David Gandara, director of thoracic oncology, professor emeritus, and senior advisor to the director at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center; Dr. Maria Arcila, director of the diagnostic molecular pathology laboratory at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; and Dr. Christian Rolfo, director of the thoracic medical oncology and early clinical trials at the University of Maryland Comprehensive Cancer Center (UMGCCC), a professor in the division of hematology-oncology at the University of Maryland, and educational chair of the International Society of Liquid Biopsies.

Christian Rolfo
Christian Rolfo

MD, PhD, MBA, Dr.hc.

Professor and Assoc. Director for Clinical Research
Center for Thoracic Oncology/Tisch Cancer Institute Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Mount Sinai Health System

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