Climate Change and Lung Cancer: Part One


On a special Earth Day episode of Lung Cancer Considered, host Dr. Stephen Liu is joined by two vocal IASLC members who have taken a passionate interest in understanding more about the climate crisis and how it impacts our patients with lung cancer.

Dr. Joan Schiller is widely published and internationally recognized for her work in lung cancer clinical research. She is the Founder and President of Free to Breathe, a national advocacy organization aimed at raising awareness and funding for lung cancer, which has recently merged with the Lung Cancer Research Foundation. 

Dr. Eric Bernicker is an Associate Professor of Clinical Oncology, Weill Cornell Medical College and the Diane Harkins Modesett Professor of Medical Oncology at Houston Methodist Hospital where he is also the Director of Medical Thoracic Oncology. He serves as chairman of the Houston Methodist Hospital Cancer Committee and the Chairman of the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Climate Change Task Force and is ASCO’s representative to the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health.

Stephen Liu
Stephen Liu


Associate Professor of Medicine, Director of Thoracic Oncology and Director of Developmental Therapeutics
Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
Joan Schiller
Joan Schiller


Founder and President of Free to Breathe
Eric Bernicker with his arms crossed wearing a blue shirt and bow tie
Eric Bernicker


Associate Professor of Clinical Oncology, Weill Cornell Medical College and the Diane Harkins Modesett Professor of Medical Oncology at Houston Methodist Hospital
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