Pillar 1: Collaborative Science

Advancing scientific knowledge of thoracic cancers to improve all aspects of prevention and patient care.
Pillar 1
Pillar 1 Outcome 1
Outcome 1

Generate new scientific knowledge that impacts care outcomes through an equitable global lens.

  • Aim 1: Maintain an efficient framework for research projects
  • Aim 2: Empower our committees to optimally tackle key issues
Adi Gazdar
Outcome 2

Facilitate the advancement of member research by increasing resources.

  • Aim 1: Expand global creativity and networks across scientific disciplines
  • Aim 2: Assemble and uphold a relevant portfolio of scientific resources
  • Aim 3: Increase research feasibility and accessibility in Low‑and-Middle-Income Countries (LMIC)
Pillar 1 Outcome 3
Outcome 3

Include, train, support, and sustain thoracic researchers throughout their career continuum.

  • Aim 1: Evolve our global training portfolio for early-career investigators
  • Aim 2: Grow funding opportunities for early and mid-career investigators
  • Aim 3: Increase leadership and recognition opportunities. scientific knowledge

Surrounding all our pillars are our core enablers: Member Support, Multidisciplinary Collaboration, Global Inclusion, and Commitment to Patients. The new strategic plan positions the IASLC as a driving force that will shape the future of lung cancer research, advocacy, and care. By embracing innovation, cultivating collaboration, and placing patients at the center of their efforts, the IASLC aspires to reduce the global burden of lung cancer and improve the lives of countless individuals affected by the disease. As the next five years unfold, the IASLC's visionary strategic plan serves as a roadmap, guiding the organization toward a future characterized by groundbreaking discoveries, compassionate care, and transformative impact.