Pillar 3: Promote Accessible Multidisciplinary Care

Transforming scientific advancements into actionable patient-centered interventions.
Pillar 3
Pillar 3 Outcome 1
Outcome 1

Establish multidisciplinary, global standards for thoracic malignancy prevention, detection, and care.

  • Aim 1: Devise transparent and timely operational processes
  • Aim 2: Convene global multidisciplinary expert consensus panels to develop standards
  • Aim 3: Communicate the global standards
Pillar 3 outcome 2
Outcome 2

Adapt and operationalize global standards for equitable regional and local access and timely care.

  • Aim 1: Assemble professional societies, advocacy groups, government agencies, and health system administrators who have an interest in optimizing local/regional standards
  • Aim 2: Partner with LMIC members, including patients, to reduce barriers and create more equitable, accessible, and timely care
Pillar 3 Outcome 3
Outcome 3

Provide assistance to governmental agencies, enabling them to successfully expand access and increase survival outcomes.

  • Aim 1: Identify and cultivate continuous dialogue with international and national healthcare policymakers
  • Aim 2: Bring public and private partners together to address systemic challenges and drive change

Surrounding all our pillars are our core enablers: Member Support, Multidisciplinary Collaboration, Global Inclusion, and Commitment to Patients. The new strategic plan positions the IASLC as a driving force that will shape the future of lung cancer research, advocacy, and care. By embracing innovation, cultivating collaboration, and placing patients at the center of their efforts, the IASLC aspires to reduce the global burden of lung cancer and improve the lives of countless individuals affected by the disease. As the next five years unfold, the IASLC's visionary strategic plan serves as a roadmap, guiding the organization toward a future characterized by groundbreaking discoveries, compassionate care, and transformative impact.